BBVA Compass Virtual Home Ownership Course
Participation is always appreciated at the Pharr Housing Authority. We have recently collaborated with BBVA Compass to present to our residents a Virtual Home Buyer Course. A total of 41 residents, ages ranging 16 to 54, from Public Housing and Section 8 engaged in our 3 virtual sessions. We covered topics varying from Personal Finance, Home Ownership, Small Business, and many other field elements that are beneficial to our residents and their families. A drawing was held and two attendees were given door prizes as a sign of gratitude for their participation. Thank you PHA residents for your giving us your time and cooperation in the projects provided by The Pharr Housing Authority.
La Autoridad de Viviendas Publicas de Pharr siempre aprecia la participación de nuestros residents. Con la colaboración de BBVA Compass educamos a nuestros residentes con un curso virtual sobre Compradores de Viviendas. Un total de 41 residentes de Viviendas Publicas y Sección 8, de edades 16 a 54, formaron parte de nuestras 3 sesiones virtuales. Cubrimos temas como Finanzas Personales, Compra de Viviendas, Negocios, y otros elementos para el beneficio de nuestros residentes y sus familias. Gracias por su participación, estamos agradecidos por el tiempo que nuestros residentes le dedican a los proyectos de las Viviendas Publicas de Pharr.